Measuring NHL Sponsor Outcomes: Asset Impact Score with SponsorPulse
Sep 20, 2023

The world of sports measurement is constantly evolving and brands are now itching to measure outcomes, specifically how their sports sponsorships impact brand perception, awareness, and intent to buy.
While the traditional measurement providers have yet to deliver a way to be able to supply this meaningful outcome, Relo took the lead.
We teamed up with SponsorPulse to combine consumer research with our exposure valuation data to create a framework to evaluate sponsorship performance based on the amount and quality of exposure along with the consumer impact and breakthrough potential for different assets.
Let's break that down a bit.
We worked with SponsorPulse to create a study where we talked to thousands of NHL fans to understand their recall and perceptions of a group of assets over the 2022-2023 NHL season.
Questions were crafted to help us measure the following for each asset:
- Recall - how memorable an asset is
- Annoyance - how distracting an asset is
- Action - an asset’s ability to drive action
- Purchase - an asset’s ability to drive consideration
- Favorability - an asset’s ability to drive preference
Based on how assets were scored for each, we created the Asset Impact Score. This allows you to get a sense of how much an asset will help move the needle for a brand when it comes to brand awareness and preference.
With this data, we are now able to deliver the most complete, data-driven asset valuation that will make selling and valuing assets so much easier. See how the following broadcast-visible assets stack-up to one another ... here is a preview of the initial results from the report:
These outcomes are available for NHL assets to start - if you want access to the full report, please reach out to our team.